The modified waterborne polyurethane zinc-rich coating was characterized by scanning electron microscopy ( SEM), corrosion potential test and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS). 通过扫描电镜(SEM)、腐蚀电位和电化学阻抗谱(EIS)等方法对改性聚氨酯的富锌涂层进行了表征。
Polarization curve results indicated that the presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans resulted in higher corrosion potential of the electrode and obviously accelerated the corrosion current density. 极化曲线测试结果表明,细菌的存在使浸泡20天后A3钢电极的自腐蚀电位升高,腐蚀电流密度增大。
Distribution of corrosion potential and corrosion current of rebars in concrete structure nearby liquid level 混凝土结构中钢筋腐蚀电位与腐蚀电流在液面附近的分布
Results showed that corrosion potential moved negatively till the lowest value was reached and kept stable during the procedure of copper crevice corrosion. 结果表明,铜发生缝隙腐蚀的过程中,金属腐蚀电位朝负移动,至一最低值并保持不变。
The results have shown that the possibility of embrittlement of high strength steel can be predicted by corrosion potential and current in potentiodynamic polarization measurement. 结果表明,根据动电位极化测试的腐蚀电位和腐蚀电流可以预测高强度钢发生腐蚀氢脆的倾向性。
By means of electrochemical method, the corrosion behavior of A3 steel in acetic acid was studied. The pH had effects on corrosion potential and corrosion current. Based on corrosion kinetic equations, the possible corrosion mechanism of A3 steel in acetic acid was analyzed. 通过电化学方法研究了A3钢在乙酸中的腐蚀行为,结果表明:pH影响腐蚀电位和腐蚀电流的大小,并根据腐蚀动力学方程推导了A3钢在乙酸中可能的腐蚀机理。
The pitting corrosion potential gradually decreased with the increase of Cl~-concentration; 随着Cl-浓度的增加,点蚀电位逐渐降低;
C. impedance characteristics of iron electrode under anodic polarization controlled potential in neutral Na_2SO_4 solution and in H_2SO_4/ Na_2SO_4 solutions of various pH at corrosion potential were investigated. 研究了铁电极在中性Na2SO4溶液中恒电位阳极极化下。和在不同pH的H2SO4/Na2SO4溶液中腐蚀电位下的交流阻抗特性。
Using the changes of corrosion potential and current to study the growing process of phosphating coating 利用电流和电压的变化研究磷化膜的生长过程
The results indicated that being the Cl anion in the solution saturated by H2S, the corrosion potential and pitting potential of 304 stainless steel had significantly decreased. The pitting tendency had increased and the resistance to sulfide hydrogen stress corrosion had decreased. 结果表明,Cl-能显著降低304不锈钢在饱和H2S溶液中的腐蚀电位和点蚀电位,增加点蚀倾向,并降低抗H2S应力腐蚀能力。
While temperature increasing, the corrosion potential is negatively shifted and the corrosion current density increases. 随着温度的升高,砷黄铁矿的腐蚀电位负移,腐蚀电流密度增大。
The free corrosion potential and polarization resistance decreased with cavitation time in 3% NaCl solution. 在3%NaCl溶液中,自腐蚀电位、线性极化电阻都随空蚀进行而逐渐负移和减小。
The corrosion potential, polarization resistance and corrosion rate distributions of iron wires electrode were obtained by estimated corrosion potential and polarization resistance when concretes were in different corrosion environments. 通过测量不同腐蚀介质中混凝土内的铁丝束电极的自腐蚀电位和极化电阻,获得了铁丝的自腐蚀电位、极化电阻和腐蚀速度分布等信息。
In this paper, corrosion potential and corrosion resistance of Zn? Al and Zn~ Al alloy in water of yangtze river and tap water of the city at different temperatures have been studied. 研究了Zn、Al及Zn-Al合金在不同温度条件下的长江水和自来水中的腐蚀性能及电极电位变化规律;
And the natural corrosion potential of the implanted zirconium became more positive than as-received zirconium. 注入样品的自然腐蚀电位与未注入纯锆相比发生了正移,总的趋势是随着剂量的加大,自然腐蚀电位越正。
This article discusses the changes of corrosion potential and current for phosphating process of hard aluminium ( LY12) in different conditions, namely, the growing process of phosphate coating. 讨论了硬铝(LY12)在不同条件下磷化过程中腐蚀电位和电流的变化,即磷化膜的生长过程。
The pitting corrosion potential of 316 stainless steel increases along with the ammonia nitrogen density decrease. 在模拟中水中,随着氨氮浓度的增加,316不锈钢的孔蚀电位减小。
The measurement results of corrosion potential and anodic polarization curves indicate that the N ion implantation significantly enhances corrosion resistance of titanium. 腐蚀电位和阳极极化曲线表明,离子注氮明显提高了材料的耐蚀性。
In this study, column experiments, including measurements of corrosion potential, were conducted to determine the effects of nitrate on trichloroethylene ( TCE) degradation by granular iron. 为研究硝酸根对颗粒状铁降解三氯乙烯的影响,进行了柱实验和相应的反应铁腐蚀电位测定。
Some comparing analysis on the surface passivated hemostatic forceps domestic and foreign made were carried out through chemical composition analysis, hardness test, microstructure observation and pitting corrosion potential test. 对国内外同一类表面钝化止血钳进行了化学成分、硬度、金相组织和钝化膜点蚀电位等分析。
Relationship Between Corrosion Potential of Mild Steel and Adsorption Properties of the Inhibitors 低碳钢自腐蚀电位与缓蚀剂吸附性能关系的探讨
It can improve corrosion resistance and increase pitting corrosion potential. 这种钝化膜的存在可提高H13钢的耐腐蚀性和抗点蚀特性。
The electrochemical corrosion behavior study has been performed to investigate 321 stainless steel in uranium nitrate solutions of the dissolved and saturated oxygen. The corrosion potential and corrosion current density were obtained. 用腐蚀电化学法研究了321不锈钢在有溶解氧的硝酸铀酰溶液中的腐蚀电化学特性,测量了电极的腐蚀电位、腐蚀电流密度。
Objective To evaluate corrosion potential and corrosion tendency of dental restorative alloys in common use. 目的评价口腔修复常用合金的稳态电位及其发生腐蚀的倾向。
The TiO2 particles elevated the corrosion potential and depressed the corrosion current of Ni-P coating, thereby improved the corrosion resistance. 由于存在TiO2粒子,提高了其腐蚀电位,降低了腐蚀电流密度,改善了Ni-P镀层的耐腐蚀性能。
The aminoacetic as the main complexing agent, can obviously improve the corrosion resistance of coating, rise the corrosion potential and reduce corrosion current in the corrosive medium. And the resistance of color degeneration also showed some improvement. 采用氨基乙酸为主络合剂,能明显改善镀层的耐蚀性能,提高了镀层在腐蚀介质中腐蚀电势,降低了腐蚀电流,镀层的耐色变性也得到了明显的提高。
Under the optimal processing conditions, the corrosion potential of the magnesium alloy was-1.0628V and the corrosion current decreased by more than two orders of magnitude. Secondly, surface zinc-alloying and aluminum-zinc-alloying of lost foam casting magnesium alloy were investigated. 本实验最优工艺条件下镁合金表面合金化层的自腐蚀电位为-1.0628V,自腐蚀电流下降了两个多数量级。其次,本文对消失模铸造镁合金表面锌及铝锌复合合金化进行了探索。
In electrochemistry test, corrosion potential of end milling surface was general lower than that by side milling. 在电化学腐蚀实验中,立铣切削工件自腐蚀电位普遍低于侧铣加工的工件,且腐蚀电流相对较小。
Cr content had not only a relationship with the structure and thickness of surface oxidizing film, but also been largely considered for determining the corrosion potential difference between martix and carbides. 铬元素的含量不仅与表面氧化膜的结构和厚度有关,还在很大程度上决定了基体与碳化物的电极电位差。